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Live Well

Setting Your Loneliness Loose

Experiencing loneliness isn’t just a day-to-day downside of life – sometimes it can be detrimental to your health....
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Taking Steps for Your Mental Health

About half of Americans are diagnosed with a mental health disorder at some time in their lives. Exercise can be an important way to manage mental health for all ages....
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PERSONALIZING Behavioral Health Care

CalvertHealth is improving the behavioral health services it offers the community with a recent change to how patients can be admitted to the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)...
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Shaping & Molding with Care

Trust is the first thing on the agenda of CalvertHealth plastic surgeon Dr. Wilfred Ehrmantraut, Jr. He knows how nervewracking it can be to meet with a surgeon for the first time...
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According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer- related deaths in the United States – causing nearly as many deaths each year as prostate,...
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Understanding How Chronic Inflammation Affects Your Body

Chronic inflammation has been linked to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, arthritis and a host of other serious conditions....
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Take Charge of Your Cholesterol

One of the top risk factors of heart disease – high cholesterol – is something you can take charge of reducing with these simple diet changes – today!...
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Aging Gracefully

No matter which decade you start, it’s never too late to start practicing healthy habits to ensure an active and independent future....
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Snack-Sized Workouts

The concept of a micro-workout is gaining traction in recent years – studies have proven the typical 30-minute or more workout isn’t a requirement to reap the benefits of movement in your life. The science is showing a little exercise can go a long way for your health...
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Yearlong Challenge: 1,000 Hours Outside

A new kind of New Year’s resolution is gaining traction in recent years: to spend 1,000 hours outside in one year....
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Everyday Strategies for Overcoming Common Weight Loss Barriers

Are you determined to keep your New Year’s resolution to lose weight? You are not alone. It is right up there with getting organized and saving more. What is getting in the way...
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As Youth Mental Illness Soars, Task Force Calls for Screening Earlier to Identify Those At Risk

An influential panel of experts says all kids ages eight to 18 should be screened regularly for anxiety. This recommendation by the United States Preventive Services...
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What Small Change Can Make a BIG IMPACT on Your Health?

Getting started is always the hardest part. When it comes to improving our health, making small changes is a good way to build new habits – or get rid of unhealthy ones. Look for simple tweaks you can easily work into your daily lifestyle and build on your success...
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Get Ready to BOOST Your Immune System

Simple, everyday strategies to strengthen your body’s natural defenses..
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Just Face It

The Internet and advertising are inundated with skincare advice. That advice can be contradictory or confusing at times. With so many products (and influencers) out there for skin, where should you start?...
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The Weight is Over

“The key to successful outcomes with bariatric surgery is the shortand long-term follow-up,” said board-certified general surgeon Dr. Ramzi Alami, who directs the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Program at CalvertHealth Medical Center (CHMC). “That’s why a local program is so important because these patients need a lot of support.”...
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Palliative Care Team eases burden for chronically ill

Living with chronic illness can be a stressful balancing act to deal with symptoms and maintain quality of life. There can be multiple specialists and differing priorities of the patient and family members. At CalvertHealth Medical Center, the Palliative Care team’s mission is to ease those burdens...
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Hope & Healing

About one in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Behind each of those numbers is a face and a family and a story about how the journey shaped them in so many unique ways – from reflecting on their experience to realizing what really matters...
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Genetic Cancer Testing - Is It Right For Me?

Genetic testing can play an important role in a patient’s personalized cancer treatment program. A genetic counselor can help assess your risk, explain your options and address how the results can impact your care....
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Tour Guides on the Road to Wellness

Thanks to provisions in the Affordable Care Act, the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services has provided funding for an 8-year pilot program to improve cost and quality of care provided to seniors in the state of Maryland. Beginning in 2019, the...
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Building a Healthy Community Together

The phrase, “It takes a village,” describes the strategy being used in addressing healthcare needs for all community members in Calvert County...
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The Health Benefits of Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

“Don’t feel you have to wait to discuss sleep problems with your doctor until your next physical. Sleep is as important to a person’s health as diet and exercise. Getting the right amount of sleep…
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Senior Independence Means Living Life on Your Terms

According to the Maryland Department on Aging, in 2015, more than 18,000 residents of Calvert County were over the age of 60. In 2030, that number is expected to increase 63 percent to nearly 30,000 residents.…
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The Journey to Finding Her New Normal

The 53-year-old mother of three laughs easily and often as she describes some of her misconceptions. “I thought I’d lose weight and I didn’t. I figured my hair would come back a pleasant, non-gray color…
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Forging a Focus on Surgery

With the $51-million expansion project nearing completion, CalvertHealth Medical Center (CHMC) is moving forward with plans to expand its surgical services – investing in new technology like the SAVI SCOUT®...
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Supportive Care Resources Expanded for Cancer Survivors

CalvertHealth is expanding its survivorship program to offer additional supportive resources to care for the special concerns cancer survivors may have, including an online wellness series, education for primary care providers and in the fall – its 1st Annual Survivor Day....
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New Unit Increases Capacity for Behavioral Health Patients

On May 26, CalvertHealth Medical Center opened its newly renovated Behavioral Health Unit for the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP). The timely move not only provides a designated space for the PHP program...
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New Health Issues Raise Important Questions About the Safety of Vaping

Almost daily, news outlets are reporting on the alarming increase in lung illnesses and deaths resulting from vaping. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and researchers across the country...
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What You Need To Know To Take Charge of Your AFib

If you have atrial fibrillation (often called AFib), you’re not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it affects between 2.7 and 6.1 million adults in the United States....
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The need for vaccines does not go away with age. In fact, board-certified infectious disease specialist Dr. Paul Pomilla of the Calvert Internal Medicine Group says vaccines are one of the most cost-effective ways for adults to maintain personal health. Here, he answers some of the most...
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“I like to joke with my older patients who are retiring to watch out for the three Rs: the refrigerator, the recliner and the remote,” said board-certified family medicine physician Dr. J. Michael Brooks of CalvertHealth Primary Care...
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“I really enjoy the camaraderie,” said Rock Steady Boxing (RSB) participant Barbara Michael. “I’ve learned I can do things I didn’t think I could.” The fun and interactive fitness program is helping local residents who are...
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Every day, blood donors like Joseph Harris help patients of all ages – from accident and trauma victims to those having surgery or battling cancer. In fact, every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. The Huntingtown resident has donated regularly since his 20s when he was in the Navy...
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Mental health is a critical part of overall health and wellness. It’s important to know that mental illness can affect any one; a family member, a friend or even a coworker. Be sure to make healthy choices for both your physical and mental well-being and ask for help when needed...
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